Stadium Productions
Within the Genre of Stadium Productions, along with the ceremonies, Yannis Michalandos has developed and produced some of the most successful and innovative large scale events from Sports Spectaculars to Equestrian displays and Stunt extravaganzas. Yannis Michalandos has had equal success with both major Federation, Country and corporate events and Ticketed Productions.
In doing so, Yannis Michalandos has created a proprietary process for full engagement with the Host Country’s cultural practitioners. This ensures that the Host Country’s story is told through its greatest artists-we are quiet and informed facilitators, who remain in the background and let the Host Country speak for itself.
Ceremonies present a Land or Sports Body, a unique chance while inspiring its citizens in a showcase celebration of their culture. The Ceremonies presents the opportunity to open a window to the world & a unique tourism tool which can be created into a 360 Brand.
Ceremonies provide a platform that enables a city and country to re-introduce itself to the world and re-invent its image. Our elite creative team designs Ceremonies that define a nation’s culture, celebrate its heritage, and imagine its future. Yannis Michalandos has Global success on some of the largest stages….